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Weeping Woman of West Virginia

Parkersburg, West Virginia is home to The Weeping Woman, a graveyard statue that is the focal point of dozens of local legends. The following are a few of the letters we’ve received detailing this impressive statue’s fantastic tales.

In Parkersburg, West Virginia there is the legend of the statue of “The Weeping Woman.” The statue is located in Riverview Cemetery, and watches over the family plot of the Jacksons, a prominent family in Parkersburg who were cousins to famed Civil War General Stonewall Jackson. A number of unexplained powers are associated with this curious statue. Some say that at night during a full

moon, the statue stands up and walks through the graveyard, weeping over the conflict between North and South. Others claim to have seen her move and have photographed her hands in different positions. We love this graveyard. Let it thrive. –Hellface

The Weeping Woman is also said to be a good judge of character. If a person is up to no good, she can be a mischievous presence. She’s been known to tear people’s clothes, trip them, pull on their hair, and unbutton or unzip their shirts and pants. On the other hand, if someone has a strong character and is pure of heart, they should visit the Weeping Woman––legend says that for these do-gooders, the statue can grant wishes! So, whether nefarious or true in spirit, the Weeping Woman has got something to offer everyone.  –Scott Koolb

I’m sure that you’ve heard about the world famous Weeping Woman statue in Parkersburg. I think anyone who grows up within 50 miles of that cemetery is legally required to visit it at some point.

One of the stories about the statue says that any woman who touches the Woman will become pregnant within a year. My wife and I visited the statue and she did indeed touch and we did indeed conceive within the year. Of course, we were trying, so keep that in mind. If the Weeping Woman had anything to do with it, then my thanks are with her forever!  –W.H. Kostel

Weird West Virginia

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