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Legend of the Converse Werewolf

Dear Weird TX;

I have not seen anything on your site about werewolves, which are a real interest of mine. This is because I have lived all of my life (except for four years away at college in Oregon) in Bexar County, Texas. And we have one doozy of a legend around here! Let me tell you what I have heard about the Converse Werewolf.

This is old time ranching country. And part of being a rancher, especially back then, was being manly. One rancher wanted his son to go out and be a man, so he sent the 15-year old out into the wilderness by himself, and told him to bring home a deer for the family to eat. The boy went out, and days later, still hadn’t returned. The rancher summoned all of his neighbors and they went on a search party.

The rancher was out looking and heard a noise off in the woods. He went running in that direction, thinking he had found his son––and he was right––but he got more than he bargained for.

What he saw was an eight-foot tall creature that looked like a direct cross between a wolf and a gorilla. And it was eating his 15-year old boy. The rancher shot at the beast and it took off into the woods, but it was too late––the kid had been eaten to death.

The rancher plunged into a deep depression, and generally went off the deep end. He stopped talking to people, stopped eating, and died shortly after seeing that gruesome sight. –Big Chuck Hawlee

Weird Texas


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